Revue de presse 2022

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Guide pratique : Construire une offre de logements sociaux plus accessibles et abordables en France. Analyse et retour d’expérience de la démarche Le Logement Solidaire sur l’opération des Jardins de Stains

2 files to download :Le Logement Solidaire – Guide méthodologique Construire une offre de logements sociaux plus accessibles et abordables en FranceLe Logement Solidaire – Synthèse du guide méthodologique Construire une offre de logements sociaux plus accessibles et abordables en France

Communiqué de presse : La Banque Postale et l’Action Tank Entreprise et Pauvreté dévoilent une étude sur la double-peine de la pauvreté

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1 file to download :CP Double peine de pauvreté


Etude de la double pénalité de pauvreté en France – 2022

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2 files to download :Synthèse étude double peine_2022_vFEtude double pénalité de pauvreté_vF

Rapport d’activité 2021

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1 file to download :Action Tank E&P Rapport d’activité 2021


Modèles économiques inclusifs : guide pratique

Over the past 10 years, Action Tank Society & Organizations has focused its work on developing new inclusive business models, designed to contribute to reducing poverty in France, by making it easier for vulnerable groups to access essential goods and services, and involving large companies to achieve this.

In the marketplace, the inclusive business model results in an inclusive offer that a vulnerable household can purchase or subscribe to.

We have developed a practical guide to help future project leads, within private, public or social organizations, to develop inclusive business models: the purpose of this guide is to share our lessons learned to date and offer practical tools based on our experience.

Our aim is to help readers identify the key questions that must be considered in order to design new inclusive business models, and to provide the tools and inspiration to develop them!

There are 3 parts in this practical guide:

  1. Understanding, appropriating and defining the “social purpose” of an inclusive business model,
  2. Building the business model by identifying the levers of economic inclusion that can be mobilized, and then defining the methods for deployment,
  3. Defining and assessing the value created by these models


English version of this Practical guide’s summary to be published soon !

2 files to download :Modèles économiques inclusifs : guide pratiqueSynthèse Modèles économiques inclusifs

Revue de presse 2021

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Rapport interministériel : “Nous vieillirons ensemble…”

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Report 2020

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1 file to download :Action Tank E&P-Rapport d’activité 2020

Communiqué de presse : sortie d’un Livre blanc

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1 file to download :CP – sortie Livre blanc Action Tank