In short
The challenge
In France, 13 million people are concerned by digital exclusion and 5 million of them combine digital and economic exclusion. This fracture is explained by difficulties in accessing equipment (41% of low-income households do not have an internet connection at home, 37% do not have a computer) and skills-related brakes (illiteracy, ignorance, distrust …). Digitalization is key today to socio-economic dynamics, because it allows among other things:
- Socio-professional integration (80% of job offers are posted on the internet)
- Improving living conditions and emancipation
- Increased purchasing power through access to low-cost offers
- Fighting against isolation by allowing the maintenance of a social bond
What we offer
The offer currently being designed aims to facilitate access to a home internet connection for low-income households. It would reduce the telecommunication budget of our beneficiaries and promote the socio-economic integration of households remote from digital.
To have an impact on various aspect of the digital divide, additional solutions are being developed:
- An offer for a refurbished computer at affordable price
- Trainings on using digital tools within Orange store network
Our partners
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Technological developments are transforming our socio-economic life by facilitating access to information and opening access to multiple online services (employment, social benefits, administrative procedures, training and education, maintaining social connection, etc.). Faced with the increasing dematerialization of many services or approaches that are often essential, digital technology can be an additional exclusion factor. Of the 9 million people in economic insecurity in France (INSEE), 5 million are also considered remote from digital.
“Digital exclusion” is two folded : it comes in problems of access to equipment (telephone, computer, etc.) or difficulties in the mastery and use of these tools.
Sensitive to this observation, in 2018, Orange launched a stakeholder dialogue on digital and economic exclusion mobilizing public institutions, networks of charities and the targeted audience to better understand the levers Orange had in hand to tackle this challenge.
The key actions identified was the designing of inclsuive offers adapted to the uses and revenues of the target audience (home internet in particular as well as equipment solutions). The valuation of the Orange store network as a vector of proximity and the ability to train users in those stores are also points identified as key in the development of the project.
In June 2018, Orange presented the results of its stakeholder dialogue and made commitments to reduce digital exclusion. A design thinking phase was launched by the CSR and Marketing department and mobilized various teams within Orange and external partners.
The Action Tank joined the teams during a product ideation workshop. The output of this collective work was the design of a triple solution:
- An inclusive offer of Internet access at home adapted to resources and uses of our target audience
- An offer for a refurbished computer at affordable price
- Trainings on using digital tools within Orange store network
At the end of 2018, the search for an experimentation area began. The choice of the North of France is explained by the density and diversity of the partnerships in this region. The Action Tank specifically supports Orange on creating an ecosystemic partnership, on the communication strategy towards beneficiaries and on defining the customer journey. We also provide support on the overall structuring of the innovation approach.
Please contact us to know more.
Please contact us to know more.